The “first 3D faith-based animation to be released in theaters worldwide,” The Lion of Judah is a family adventure that features a very exciting orchestral score by film scoring newcomer Greg Sims. He is an experienced musician with a versatile background in jazz, arranging, orchestrating and writing for various Broadway stars as well as the Oprah Winfrey Show.
His knack for big orchestral music in a cinematic fashion really shines in The Lion of Judah, which is the type of action-orientated, thematically rich and expertly orchestrated film score so many fans of the genre enjoy.
Our score album features a lot of exciting action music often with a dash of epic heroism, witty comedy writing and some very beautiful themes. A great score for any fan of great orchestral film music. Performed with stamina by the City of Prague Philharmonic!
—Mikael Carlsson, MovieScore Media
The Lion Of Judah
87 min | Drama
Deryck Broom
Animated Family Films / Warner Brothers
Ernest Borgnine, Michael Madsen,
Sandi Patty
©2010-2018 Greg Sims. All rights reserved. Webmaster – Laura Hardy Graphic Communications